Moneo Solutions

ifm moneo reliability engineer whitepaper resource

Why an IIoT platform is the reliability engineer’s new best friend

Despite the rapid acceleration of digital technologies, equipment failure remains a primary cause of unplanned downtime in industrial plants.

An Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) platform can help resolve this challenge by providing visibility and integration across an operation’s assets and systems.

This white paper examines the roles of the IIoT platform and its use cases from the perspective of a reliability engineer. It addresses the following questions:

  • Why does a factory need an IIoT platform?
  • What benefits will a reliability engineer see from an IIoT platform?
  • How does an IIoT platform support predictive maintenance?
  • Where is an IIoT platform positioned in the factory architecture?
  • What is the best way to start and evolve with an IIoT platform?

Importantly, this white paper will explain the key differences between condition monitoring and predictive maintenance, and the value in combining real-time streamed data with historic data to improve the performance and longevity of factory assets.

To download the free paper, please fill out the form below.

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